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Currency Converter

HomeCurrency Converter

Currency Converter

Our currency calculator is based on our online rate of the day. Simply choose the currency that you wish to purchase and we'll show you the relevant exchange rate.





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*Order up to 4 currencies (£3000 maximum limit).
*No fees on cash, debit card or credit card payments.
Exchange Rate
GBP/AED 4.7026
GBP/AUD 1.9076
GBP/BBD 2.5397
GBP/BHD 0.4810
GBP/BND 1.6535
GBP/CAD 1.7306
GBP/CHF 1.0921
GBP/CLP 1,181.8268
GBP/CNH 8.9328
GBP/CZK 27.8018
GBP/EUR 1.1717
GBP/HKD 9.8656
GBP/IDR 18,881.0680
GBP/ISK 168.1538
GBP/JOD 0.8883
GBP/JPY 185.9731
GBP/KWD 0.3896
GBP/MXN 22.0166
GBP/MYR 5.0698
GBP/NZD 2.0636
GBP/OMR 0.4864
GBP/PLN 4.9977
GBP/QAR 4.6335
GBP/SAR 4.8237
GBP/SEK 13.1438
GBP/SGD 1.6558
GBP/THB 40.8588
GBP/TRY 39.1303
GBP/USD 1.2895
GBP/VND 27,635.3700